Centre for Information Technologies
Services for employees

  • Basic tips for employees

    • Connection to Wi-Fi: at many places around the faculty and throughout MU, it’s possible to connect to the university wireless network Eduroam. This service also allows you to connect up with lots of universities in Europe (or e.g. the Moravian Library in Brno) using the same login details.
    • The MU Virtual Network (VPN) enables it so that your home computer is considered part of the MU network (granting access to paid resources, allowing you to connect disks, etc.). At the same time, this increases the security of your network traffic.
    • Numerous electronic resources – scholarly databases, full texts of articles, books, etc. – can be accessed from computers in the MU network .
    • Lunches in canteens can be ordered via the network.
    • A list of lecture rooms (numbers of seats, equipment, schedule) and information about reservation options can be found in the FA Lecture Room Catalogue or in the list of lecture rooms in the IS MU.
    • The administration of leaves, meal vouchers, and other basic employee information can be found in INET.

    Before requesting technical assistance

    • carefully read the messages and system messages that deal with the problem
    • read the instructions and other information on the CIT website
    • try asking more experienced colleagues for help
    • prepare an accurate as possible description of the problem and the circumstances under which it occurred (date and time, what connection, which computer, what exactly isn’t working, what are the system messages, whether the same problem exists using another computer, etc.)

    With matters concerning the administration of studies, you can contact Office for Studies FA MU.
    Concerning the functioning of the IS, you should contact the IS technician, and with regards to access rights, send a request to the CIT.

    Request for the CIT

    How to stay informed about IT at FA

    Don’t want to miss any news related to information technologies at FA MU? Subscribe to the CIT newsletter. You’ll receive it only quarterly, so there is no need to worry about constant spam. :)

    Subscribe to the newsletter

  • Where to go if I have a problem with IT

    If none of the steps described below helps, it’s always possible to come to the CIT in person. We’re based on the 3rd floor of the B1 building at Arna Nováka 1.

  • Principles of cybersecurity

    The virtual environment is full of pitfalls in the form of computer viruses and hackers, who usually want to steal personal data or get money from you. Because of this, it’s important to have at least basic knowledge in the area of cybersecurity, which you can gain for example in the online course Kyberkompas, designed by experts from CSIRT-MU, and which is available for free. We strongly recommend taking this course so that you avoid all future dangers that you may come across during your studies. High risks occur even during normal, routine activities such as reading e-mails.

    Go to Kyberkompas

  • What is the IS and how to use it?

    The Information System MU (hereinafter referred to as IS MU) is the basic tool for the administration of studies for every component of MU. It is in the IS MU that courses are listed and described, here is where students register for them, where study results are registered, where communication with students occurs, etc. The IS MU also offers other services, e.g. e-learning (see below), discussion forums, and many others besides.

    It’s assumed that teachers themselves carry out the regular administration of their courses, so getting acquainted with the IS MU is essential. Only in rare cases, such as with external teachers, might the data be entered into the IS MU by the departmental secretary or some other person, based on documents provided by the teacher.

    Password for the IS MU

    Passwords for the IS MU are obtained by each new employee upon arrival, together with their so-called university identification number (UIN – it serves to identify every employee and student). The main password is the so-called primary password, for gaining access to the Personal Administration of the IS MU (i.e. to its authenticated, non-public part).

    In addition, there is a secondary password, which is used to access some other administrative areas and services. Change both passwords as soon as possible (i.e. immediately after their assignment and whenever you suspect that the password might have been seen by somebody or otherwise discovered; as a precaution, it’s advisable to do so at least once a year) and don’t disclose them to anyone. If you want to leave the computer where you’ve been using the IS (especially outside your office), don’t forget to log out.

    Changing or checking the password

    Have you forgotten your password?

    If you’ve forgotten your password, the technicians will reset it for you. Instructions are available on the page with details about IS MU passwords:

    More about the primary and secondary password

    IS technician

    There is an IS technician working directly at FA MU with whom you can consult problems related to the IS MU. Ask them for training in IS MU operations that you haven’t yet fully mastered, etc.

    Help with the IS MU

    Detailed help with all functions can be found in the IS itself. Entry to the IS MU: Public part x Authenticated part (so-called Personal Administration).

  • What is INET for?

    Some areas of administration, especially economic/financial ones, are carried out at MU in the INET system. Here you can monitor your statutory leave, salary history, pay advice, and other personal administrative matters. INET will be especially important for you if you become the administrator of an economic contract (e.g. a grant or another separate sub-budget). When a contract is created, a record is automatically set up for you in INET, available on the main page. This will allow you to conveniently monitor the drawing of funds for the given contract.

    Information about people at MU is published in the IS MU (in its public part) and at the same time on the websites of the university, faculties, or units (data on websites are obtained centrally through information in the IS MU).

    You log in to INET using your UIN and the primary password.

    Enter the INET system

  • More MU information systems

    Masaryk University also uses several other systems for different areas of operation. For example, economic matters are managed in the Magion system, whereas library loans are managed in Aleph.

    More about information systems at MU

  • What is the employee card / ITIC teacher card for?

    MU issues the international ITIC card to all teachers, which also serves as an electronic card for several areas of activity (lunches, FA MU library, printing, unlocking some doors and departments, entering the MU Rector’s Office building). It’s issued automatically upon the admission of a new teacher.

    Non-teaching staff are issued an employee electronic card instead. For both types of cards, new employees (teachers and non-teachers) must be photographed at the Institute of Computer Science. This photograph will also be used in the personal profile in the IS MU.

    How to activate card access?

    • Information on the current settings of your access rights can be found in the IS MU under the link Groups of Persons
    • Changes can be made by contacting the CIT

    More about access

    Using a card in the FA Central Library

        • FA MU Central Library: the card works automatically (it only identifies the reader; the secondary IS MU password is used to access the catalogue); it can also be used for automatic borrowing (the machine in the lobby) – details on the FA MU Central Library website

    Other functions of the card

    • lunches – office or cash desk of any canteen
    • copying – see the section Printing, copying, and scanning
    • entrance to the MU Rector’s Office building – works automatically
    • entrance to the FA buildings
  • E-mails at MU

    At FF MU you’ll mainly find the following e-mail boxes:

    Mailbox mail.muni.cz

    A “mandatory” address in the form of UIN@mail.muni.cz is automatically set up for each student and MU employee. It’s also the address found by anyone who searches for you on the official MU website or in the IS MU. It’s always very important to check the mailbox mail.muni.cz, because this is where official MU mail is sent.

    We recommend redirecting mail from mail.muni.cz to the work mailbox you use regularly (at the FA, this is usually name@phil.muni.cz). For example, you can also redirect your mailbox to a Microsoft Office 365 university account.

    Conversely, we don’t recommend redirecting to private e-mail accounts, since such a procedure is not in line with the guidelines on the use of IT at MU.

    Instead of the UIN, a nickname can also be used in the university e-mail address. You can set it here (you’ll be asked for the password to the IS MU).

    Mailbox muni.cz

    This is a similar alternative to uin@mail.muni.cz; the difference is that uin@muni.cz receives mail through Office 365 and then sends it by default to the IS. Redirecting can also be set to mailboxes at faculty domains.

    Faculty mailbox phil.muni.cz

    Two electronic mailboxes are automatically set up for you when you join MU. The first is in the IS MU with the address UČO@mail.muni.cz and the second in Office 365 with the address UČO@muni.cz (UČO = personal university number). You can use either of them. We recommend that you use a modern mailbox in Office 365 linked to other services used at the Faculty of Arts and MU. Before using the mailbox in Office 365, switch mail forwarding from IS to O365 in MU Inet.

    Faculty address @phil.muni.cz

    As an employee or student of the Faculty of Arts, you can ask us to assign a faculty address to your mailbox in Office 365, usually in the form surname@phil.muni.cz or name.surname@phil.muni.cz.

    We recommend using Outlook or its web version to operate the mailbox. To log in, use an address in the form UČO@muni.cz and you will then be directed to Unified Sign-On to enter your Primary Password.


    (1) For official communication, we would like to ask you to use the faculty address (name@phil.muni.cz), mail.muni.cz (UČO@mail.muni.cz) or muni.cz (UIN@muni.cz). Using these official addresses is in line with the guidelines on using IT at MU and also it’s a more appropriate solution from the cybersecurity point of view, because work mail often contains sensitive data.

    (2) The login you choose on the server can be virtually whatever you like, provided it’s not been used already. Usually the surname is chosen, or a nickname is derived from the surname; the system will eliminate diacritics, however. Recommended addresses are surname@phil.muni.cz or name.surname@phil.muni.cz.

    You can, of course, use multiple addresses. Whatever the case may be, make sure you read the mailbox used for university purposes regularly, so that it’s kept functional and not overfilled.

    More about e-mail at the FA

    Other functions of mailboxes:

    Private address

    Using a private address for work purposes is contrary to the current directive on using IT at MU (Directive No. 10/2017, Art. 3, par. 1); you should therefore handle work mail exclusively through your work mailbox.

    Aliases (group mailboxes)

    In justified cases the CIT FF can set up, upon request, an official alias for you (for example manager_of_something@phil.muni.cz instead of novak@phil.muni.cz) or a group address (for example grant_investigators_GACR123@phil.muni.cz directed at several recipients; unlike a bulk address, which you set up by yourselves in your mail programme, a group address can be used by anyone anywhere).

    List of existing aliases

    Shared mailboxes

    Functions enabled by mail in O365. This is a mailbox to which mail is sent and different users have access to it (unlike an alias, which only involves redirection to several different addresses). To set up a shared mailbox, it’s necessary to contact the CIT by sending a request.

    Automatic reply during absences

    You can set up your Office 365 mail to automatically send a reply in your absence.

    Electronic signatures

    The only legally infallible answer to the already mentioned question of an e-mail’s authenticity is the electronic signature. This is a relatively complex procedure involving the registration of a person with an independent institution, the so-called certification authority. You can create an electronic signature by yourself through the CESNET certification authority. Such an electronic signature will certainly suffice for the university environment, but may not be sufficient for communication with government.

    More about electronic signatures

    More about e-mail at the FA

    More about other e-mail services at MU

  • Presentations during teaching and lecture-room technology

    Classrooms are equipped as standard with technology for presentations from a PC and one’s own laptop (using HDMI, VGA or DisplayPort – this varies depending on the specific classroom). In addition, some lecture rooms have a unit for wireless presentation, and/or a DVD and a visualizer – for projecting directly from non-digital original sources, such as books. In most lecture rooms, it’s also possible to easily record your own lecture.

    Basic information about the equipment of specific lecture rooms can be found in the FA Lecture Room Catalogue or in the IS MU. Use the notes on the control panel or follow the printed instructions in the lecture rooms.

    Technology in lecture rooms

    In addition, special lecture rooms for a range of purposes are available at FA MU.

    Computer labs:

    • L11 (30 student PCs + headsets)
    • N31 (14 student PCs)
    • G02 (20 student PCs + headsets)
    • G21 (18 student PCs + headsets)
    • B2.33 (40 student PCs + headsets) for teaching and testing

    Lecture room for group teaching G22 (12 student PCs + 4 presentation LCDs), supporting project teaching and group work

    Screening room C34 (VHS player, Blu-Ray, 30 mm film projection)

    Instructions for each lecture room can be found in the CIT manuals.

    Access to lecture rooms

    Access to lecture rooms. Usually, the door to a lecture room or department with technology is equipped with an electromagnetic lock, which is opened using an ITIC card (in other cases the door is permanently locked; keys and cards are held by individual departments; for external teachers they are issued at the reception). Access is set by the CIT in advance, according to the schedule for the given period; nevertheless, it’s a good idea for teachers themselves to make sure in time whether they have access to the given lecture room or department with technology.

    More about access

    Logging in to PCs

    Upon arrival, the teacher logs in to the computer in the lecture room using the UČO and secondary password for the IS MU (User Name and Password fields).

    Conditions for using PCs in lecture rooms:

    In order to log in to lecture rooms with this central authorization, teachers (including external teachers) must have an active employment relationship with the university (employment contract, agreement to complete a job, agreement to perform work). Access to teachers’ computers is established for an employee within two working days from the contract or agreement being entered into the system.

    Agreements are entered into the system by Ms. Marta Petrasová, who must be explicitly informed that the employee needs access to a computer in multimedia lecture rooms.

    If an external employee who doesn’t have any employment relationship with the faculty/university needs access to a computer (and in such case it’s not possible or expedient to create such a relationship), a temporary user account can be created at the request of the head or secretary of the FA MU host department. This will entitle the external employee to access computers in multimedia lecture rooms (or to a wireless network and other services). Address any requests to the CIT using the request form or visit them in person. The generated login data must be collected in person.

    Principles of using the technology

    1. Get to know the operation of the lecture room in advance, not during the lesson.
    2. Also, try the operation in advance whenever you’ve not taught in that particular lecture room for a long time, or if you’re going to use different technology there.
    3. If the technology doesn’t work as expected, follow the instructions in the lecture room or call for service (see above). Never try to change the connection, slide a computer out of a desk, etc.
    4. If you have any problems during the lesson, or suggestions for improving the service, please find time to report them to the CIT. If they don’t learn about the problem, they won’t be able to solve it.
    5. If you need anything special during the lesson, agree on it with CIT staff in advance. Individual consultations, trials of technology, the presence of a technician at the beginning of a lesson, etc. are also possible, provided, of course, CIT capacities allow. It’s always better to discuss the situation and get help in advance than to solve problems during the lesson or under time constraints.

    Lecture Room Catalogue

    In the Lecture Room Catalogue you’ll learn all about the technical equipment and the capacity of the rooms. There are also photos of the lecture rooms and their control panels, which give you a better idea of what to expect. The purpose of the catalogue is to simplify the scheduling of classes so that it’s possible to choose a lecture room that – in technology terms – meets the needs of your teaching.

    More about the Lecture Room Catalogue

    Technical support

    The CIT has established a full-time service at tel. [54949 1542], which is present until 8.00 p.m. (during the teaching period) and can help you solve any problems during your lecture. The number for this service will be available in all multimedia offices. However, other methods of reporting a problem also exist (“student messenger”, extensions to technicians in the building, etc.).

    More about services

  • E-learning at the FA

    E-learning, or electronic teaching support, is used in various departments . In some courses it’s used to share study materials, submit assignments, or complete tests. There are some courses at the faculty that are fully conducted in electronic form. There are two systems available at FA MU:

    Faculty system ELF

    This system was developed earlier. It is based on the internationally extended Moodle system, and the MU single sign-on (primary password to the IS MU) is used to access it.

    More about ELF

    University system LMS IS

    This is the official MU system, developed more recently as an integral part of the IS MU. You can access individual e-learning activities by clicking on the Teacher section, where you’ll find all the different sections. Details can be read about in the help in the IS MU.

    You can get to selected e-learning activities directly in the agenda of individual courses, or via the ELPORTÁL link. For more information, see the help or go to ELPORTÁL.

    More about ELPORTÁL

    In both systems, electronic teaching materials can be shared with all MU students. It’s also possible to set access for guests and, if necessary, for specific users from outside MU.

  • Online teaching

    Some courses at the faculty may be taught remotely. In such cases it’s necessary to inform students in advance what tools they’ll be working with and which programme you’ll be using for communication. The most frequently used solution is Microsoft Teams.

    MS Teams

    The basic tool for online teaching at MU is the Microsoft Teams programme, which is available to every student and faculty employee free of charge within the Office 365 programme suite. Although the application can also be used online, for regular use we recommend that you install the desktop version on your computer. Instructions for its installation can be found in the IT Services Catalogue.

    More about installing MS Teams

    Other tools

    Other tools can also be used for online teaching. However, for these tools we can only provide basic assistance (compared to MS Teams, which enjoys much better support at the university). Other popular tools include e.g. Zoom.

    More detailed information about the possibilities of online teaching and online examinations can be found on separate pages of the faculty website. We recommend teachers go through these materials and read the information they need for their courses.

    More about online teaching at the FA

  • Websites

    You can also search for information from your unit and publish it on the university website, faculty website, and your department/seminar website.

    Most websites work with the university-wide system Umbraco, which allows some data to be taken from the IS MU, Inet, or Magion personnel system. The modification of certain data must therefore be consulted with persons who have access to such modifications (usually the ICS).

    Faculty website

    The content of the faculty website is managed by the Office for External Relations of the FA, technically the CIT FA. This website is intended to inform the public as well as students and faculty employees. If you’re interested, it’s possible to share news from the website of a unit, which is finally approved by the Office for External Relations of the FA. Report any problems with the faculty website to the web editor’s address.

    Website of the department or seminar

    Unit websites are always administered by a person (or several people) who is authorized to do so within the given unit. Editing these websites must be discussed with such person(s). If you don’t know who manages the website of your unit, contact the secretary or the head of the unit, who will give you the contact details of the website administrator , if needed.

    University website

    The university website is administered by the MU Rector’s Office. Requests for editing should be directed to their administrator.

    Other websites

    In addition to the above, you’ll also encounter project websites, conference websites, etc. You can usually find the administrator of these websites in the Contacts section (if it’s on the website). If the website administrator cannot be found on the website, contact the unit to which the website belongs (this can generally be found through the information on the website).

    Websites outside the university-wide Umbraco system

    We don’t provide technical support for websites using systems other than Umbraco. Therefore, before creating websites in other systems, we recommend that you first consider whether it would be better to use Umbraco, for which we can provide support. If necessary, we can also offer a consultation in which we’ll discuss with you whether or not the Umbraco system is suitable for your needs.

    How to create a new website

    One of the services the CIT provides is creating new websites. This service includes technical support, training, and the process necessary to create a website on MU servers. The actual creation and composition of content is performed by the unit that requests the website’s creation.

    More about creating websites at FA

  • Access to computers in the MU network

    In addition to computers in their offices, FA MU employees can use:

    • laptops around the MU campus, and their own computers at home. In the case of connecting from home, you’re not connected to the MU network by default, which may cause certain restrictions. The problem can be solved by connecting via a VPN, thanks to which a home computer will be considered part of the MU network (more below in the separate section on VPNs).
    • teachers’ computers in lecture rooms for presentations
    • computers in the library – it’s possible to log in using the secondary password to the IS MU

    Responsibility for the condition of software on computers

    Desktop computers

    The operating system and basic programmes are installed remotely on computers, the user logs in using their UIN and secondary password. The user doesn’t have to worry about updating the system, programmes, or antivirus SW. It’s usually necessary to ask the CIT to install any software other than that included in the installation. The user doesn’t have this option. However, for some commonly used programmes, installation by the user is possible. Information will again be provided by the CIT; the best way to get it is by using the contact form.


    If you have a faculty laptop in your administration, you’re responsible for its security. If you’ve any questions, find information in the CIT manuals or directly from the centre’s employees or your more experienced colleagues. Details about connecting laptops to the network can be found below in the section“Connecting laptops to the network”.

    The basis of laptop maintenance is:

    • Updating the operating system and applications. It’s essential to regularly check and perform updates that remove security loopholes and other bugs in the operating systems used (Windows) and applications (MS Office, Firefox, Skype, Chrome, etc.).
      For Microsoft products, it’s best to use the “Automatic Updates” tool, set to the recommended “Automatic” mode; third-party applications often use similar systems to check for and install updates. If there are any problems or concerns, contact the CIT.
    • Antivirus programme: We recommend that you use antivirus software on your computer and update it regularly. Windows Defender is installed on the centrally administered university computers, and updated regularly.
  • Connecting laptops to the network

    Connecting by cable

    It’s possible to connect computers to the FA network with an Eduroam cable. This option usually exists in offices, where there is generally a socket for connecting an Ethernet cable. By default, these sockets are not active; to activate them, contact the CIT.

    Once the socket is active, you’ll need to make a few settings on your computer. A detailed description of them is available in our manual.

    Wireless Eduroam (via Wi-Fi)

    Eduroam is a joint project of European universities that “exchange” registration services. Thus a student or employee of any university can connect to a wireless network at any other university (but also, for example, to libraries; see the Moravian Library in Brno) without having to take any administrative or technical steps.

    More about connecting to the Eduroam network

    Wireless network MUNI

    We recommend using the Eduroam progressive solution as a priority (see above).

    The MUNI network is only intended for connection in case Eduroam fails. Once connected, you’ll be asked to enter your UČO and the secondary password. After some time, however, the computer will disconnect from this network.

    Connecting for guests

    For guests from academia, Eduroam is the ideal solution. If they use it at their home institutions, no further action is required and they should also be granted access to the Internet at our university. In practice, however, it’s advisable to ask these guests in advance to make sure that they’re actually using Eduroam, and that they have it set up on their laptop.

    If you’re expecting guests from other types of institution, you need to contact the CIT in advance and request that time-limited guest accounts and passwords be set up. These will then be used by guests to log in to the Eduroam network (they will enter their GuestID instead of the UČO).

    More about networks at MU

  • How and when to use the VPN

    The virtual network of Masaryk University makes it possible to “recognize” any computer of an authorized person (laptop, home PC) as a part of the MU network. This is mainly useful when connecting a home computer.

    What do I get by connecting via the VPN?
    • access to information sources to which MU has subscribed (databases of texts, scholarly articles, etc.)
    • possibility to connect disks
    • proper functioning of some applications and services limited to MU or FA MU
    • increased security for your network traffic

    More about the VPN + instructions for getting connected

  • Printing at the FA

    Printing, copying, and scanning are usually performed on the equipment owned by departments, who also cover the costs of their consumables. In addition, however, there is a system of faculty copiers intended for employees; the unit secretaries have more information. Usually, one of these multifunction printers is located in the unit (buildings A, B, C, and D). The staff always has access to the printer assigned to their unit. This access is granted by CIT FA.

    More about printing for employees

  • Access to buildings and lecture rooms

    Access to lecture rooms is restricted by an access system. Access is verified by attaching an ISIC, ITIC, or employee card to the sensor. In some buildings, keys to lecture rooms are borrowed at the reception (especially for employees).

    Access to team study rooms is also secured using ISIC/ITIC cards.

    More about access

  • Purchasing technology (hardware)

    Network infrastructure, larger units (lecture rooms), and more demanding specialized technology are provided by the faculty from its budget or grants, or directly by MU. If there is a need for new technology or special equipment at a department, it’s advisable to consult this with CIT.

    More about consultations on technology

  • Purchasing software and SW solutions

    Operating system

    When you buy a computer, the Windows operating system is also automatically purchased, so its price is part of the price of the PC.

    • However, you can also run the Linux operating system, and if it’s used exclusively on a given computer, you can opt out of purchasing Windows. To help check the legality of SW, it’s advisable to explicitly register these cases. However, with OSs other than Windows it’s necessary to take into account that CIT doesn’t provide any support for them, and users must therefore manage such OSs themselves.
    • If we perform an upgrade on an existing computer (i.e. an upgrade to a higher version of Windows, usually for security reasons), payment for the upgrade is resolved within the Select contract, see the next section.
    Other Microsoft products

    MU has concluded a Select contract , which is based on a total payment for the number of licenses according to the number of installed programmes/components. Software can therefore be installed for you by CIT employees, who simultaneously record a “subscription” of the given programme (e.g. MS Word, the entire MS Office, etc.). With regular clearing, the relevant part is then recharged to the unit. Please note that in the case of the Select contract, this is not a collective “site license” that would cover an unlimited number of installations.

    Antivirus programmes

    A condition for using the university network is having installed antivirus software. At the moment, in the central management of the faculty we use Windows Defender on computers and laptops.

    If you’re also connecting to the university network from a personal laptop, having antivirus software installed is similarly a condition!

    Other programmes

    FA MU has purchased bulk licenses for some products, so it’s necessary to consult with CIT before purchasing SW. Other SW is bought by the units themselves – CIT again offers consultation in such matters, or the possibility of mediation. The responsibility for ensuring that computers in a unit are not run on illegal software lies with the users of individual PCs and with unit heads (although for most common Microsoft programmes, the unit doesn’t have to deal with registration if all installations are performed via the CIT).

    Installation of other software

    Every FA MU employee has a so-called Centrum softwaru (Software Centre) on a desktop computer or centrally administered laptop (the icon should be available on the desktop). In this interface you’ve the option to install some programmes that are not installed on the computer by default, but which belong on the list of commonly used programmes. These can be installed without the need for intervention by a CIT technician. It’s only if you need to install software that is not on the list when you must contact CIT.

    Instructions for installation via Centrum softwaru (Software Centre)

    More about software at the FA

  • Recording lectures and educational videos

    The faculty has a recording studio designed primarily for recording educational videos. Furthermore, in many lecture rooms recording equipment is available that can be used to make a recordings of lectures, which are then stored in the Medial system. Videostudio CIT FA is in charge of recording services.

    More about Videostudio services

  • Publishing activities

    The faculty publishes monographs in the series ‘The Writings of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University’ and a number of scholarly journals. CIT ensures the preparation and implementation of the publishing plan, the administration of publishing, and the typesetting of publications.

    More about publishing activities at the FA

  • Backup of data

    CIT employees can solve all kinds of problems, but lost data represents a real difficulty. So don’t forget to back up your data regularly, whether you’re using an office computer or a work laptop. If you’re not already using any storage to back up your data, we recommend you use the OneDrive for Business service (part of Microsoft Office 365) for this purpose. If you need shared data in the unit, consult the available options with CIT.

  • Rules and comments


    The use of information technology and operations on the network are governed by directives on the use of information technology, approved by the Rector of MU. Documents relating to these directives can be found in the documents section.

    View the directives on the use of IT

    For IT at FA MU, the Vice-Dean for IT is responsible; at the MU level, the Vice-Rector for IT is their superior.


    We gladly receive feedback on any shortcomings, and are happy to hear suggestions for further improvements to our services, preferably via this form.

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