Accounts, Passwords, ID cards
Accounts and Passwords
UČO (personal university number) serves as a unique identification of a person in Masaryk University‘s Information system. It is connected with the primary password, which enables access to IS MU. Secondary password then serves for accessing secondary services. The UČO will be generated by staff at personal office or at office for studies. A long-term aim of MU is to set up a unified login for all information systems and services.
ID Cards and Photoshoot
ID cards are necessary for entering buildings, lecture halls, libraries, and other premises, and they also serve for identification in catering system of university restaurants and when using copy machines, printers, and other devices. Here, you will find the information on types of MU cards, places where to take a photo for the card, or what to do in case of losing a card.
Digital personal certificates serve for proving the user’s digital identity. They are also used for coding, for example of electronic mail.