ARTS Creating Websites at the Faculty of Arts in the University Content Management System

We provide support for web presentations at the Faculty of Arts, namely technical support, consulting and training related to websites created in the university content management system called Umbraco. If your website has no connection to the Faculty of Arts, please use a site related to a university-wide service.

Technical support for web presentations

Technical support is provided only for web presentations created in Umbraco - the university content management system. The service includes:

  • support in the event of technical problems with the website;
  • collecting requests for creating new websites and their subsequent submission to ICS;
  • in the event of larger technical problems, personal consultation can be arranged;

Consulting for websites

Within the scope of consulting, CIT FF mainly provides consultation on technical issues related to websites that use the Umbraco system. Consultations concerning copywriting, correct layout of elements on the page, etc. are provided by the MU Faculty of Arts External Relations Department, write to The CIT service includes:

  • consulting new features on the website;
  • forwarding requests for new features to our colleagues from the ICS;
  • consulting the possibilities and limits of the Umbraco system (or the suitability of the system for your requirements);
  • consulting the appropriate elements for the required features;
  • consulting the web presentation (mainly consulting the technical possibilities).

Training in using Umbraco

The administrator of web presentations at the Faculty of Arts provides the possibility of training in using the Umbraco system for all employees of the faculty (and prospectively also students engaged in creating a website for any of the faculty department). We provide training in a more general form (basics for beginners), advanced (more advanced functions) or in the form of training for specific functions (e.g., working with newsletters, updates and events, crossposting, etc.). Training does not take place on a regular basis, it is usually provided individually based on prior arrangement. Collective training takes place only when CIT FF, MU announces it in e-mail or other communication.

Creating new websites

  1. Use the form to send us a request to create a website.
  2. The MU Faculty of Arts External Relations Department (hereafter referred to as the OVV) will arrange a consultation with you and begin to resolve formal issues related to the website (e.g. the idea of the structure, who will manage the website, etc.).
  3. The OVV will then forward the request to the CIT FF, where we will start working with you on the technical aspects of the website.
  4. The CIT FF, in cooperation with the ICS, will have the website developed in a test form that will not be accessible to the public.
  5. You work on the website.
  6. Once constructed, you report that the site is ready for launch. Together with it, you send the text of the URL you want to use for the site (the address should have been approved by the OVV during the consultation at the beginning of the process).
  7. The OVV approves that the website meets the set parameters in terms of structure and design and can therefore be launched.
  8. The CIT FF sends a request to the CAB to set up the URL and publish the site for web search engines.
  9. The website is public, you can promote it. :-)
  10. You keep the website up to date so that the information does not become outdated.
  11. Don't forget about revisions, it's important to sometimes check, if the content is still up to date (in best case, you should make a revision once a year).

More advanced web applications outside the Umbraco system

For more advanced web applications, web hosting in cPanel can be used. When using it, the applicant will get access to their own website. Please note that this solution is only suitable for advanced web applications and the applicant must manage all the settings by themselves (or with the help of someone else entrusted with the task from the applicant’s unit). The university does not currently offer central technical support for these websites. The applicant is responsible for the content and its up-to-dateness.

Details on using cPanel are described in the university-wide service description. When sending a request to use cPanel, state in the request the reason why it’s necessary to use this solution for the website and it’s not possible to use Umbraco.

Conditions for providing the services

  • You can apply only for websites related to the Faculty of Arts or any of its departments.
  • New websites must comply with the Guidelines on creating websites in document archive in the IS MU.
  • Technical support is provided only for websites that fall under the Faculty of Arts or one of its departments or institutes and use the Umbraco system.
  • FF has rules for the use of URLs (both for Umbraco and cPanel sites), which are also described in the guidelines mentioned above.

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