Centre for Information Technologies FF 


Phone: (+420) 549 497 185
E-mail: cit@phil.muni.cz



Filozofická fakulta
Arna Nováka 1, 602 00 Brno

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Hot line

Phone.: (+420) 549 491 542


Our Employees

Filter the list of employees:


  • workplace management


  • administrative and economic duties
  • mobile telephony - establishing and changing services pursuant to a master agreement

Petr Čučka, DiS.

administration and user support for advanced AV technologies

phone: +420 549 49 7174


  • administration and user support for advanced AV technologies Faculty of Arts classrooms (video conferencing, cameras, recording and streaming)
  • technical support for the video studio


  • consulting and support for MS Windows, MS Office, MS Office 365, AV programs and user applications
  • maintenance of audiovisual equipment
  • user support


coordination of the e-learning and education technology support team at the Faculty of Arts MUNI in the following areas:

  • administration and development of the ELF faculty e-learning system, Medial media library, Open edX open course system
  • comprehensive user support (including methodology) for the ELF faculty e-learning system
  • administration and development of the scholarship programme for the development of e-learning at the Faculty of Arts MUNIsupport for mobile technologies in academic practice 


  • administration of the publishing of works in the Writings of the Facuty of Arts MUNI edition
  • coordination and management of activities and projects under CIT FF MUNI


  • coordination the user support section in the E-learning and Education Technology Support Team at the Faculty of Arts MUNI
  • technical and methodological support for users of e-learning systems at the Faculty of Arts MUNI (ELF, Medial, TechSmith Relay)
  • development and maintenance of documentation and instructions for users of e-learning systems and technical equipment at the Faculty of Arts MUNI


  • coordination and management of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project at FF MU


  • system administrator of the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts MUNI
  • leader of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project programming team


  • MUNI information system (IS) support
  • consulting and support for MS Windows, MS Office, AV programs and user applications
  • user support
  • administration of CCTV camera systems, security (EZS) and access (EKV) systems


  • administration of publishing professional journals at the Faculty of Arts MUNI
  • metadata description of digitised documents in the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts MUNI


  • recording educational and popular-scientific videos
  • cooperation with the contracting departments on the methodology for the production of learning and promotional video material
  • coordination and training of (student) assistants for the recording and processing of videos


  • responsible for the running of faculty systems Moodle, Medial, Urkund, Open edX, TechSmith Relay:
    • in charge of regular maintenance of the systems
    • detects and eliminates errors in the managed systems
    • controls regular upgrades and installation of security patches for the systems
    • monitors the development of the systems with regard to user requirements
    • participates in the long-term development plan of the managed systems at the Faculty of Arts MUNI
    • keeps and maintains the technical documentation of the manuals and procedures
  • coordinates the activities of the admin section in the E-learning and Education Technology Support Team at the Faculty of Arts MUNI


  • technical and user support for the Umbraco CMS
  • training new editors in working with Umbraco
  • consulting the web site settings and work with Umbraco


  • consulting and support for MS Windows, MS Office, AV programs and user applications
  • maintenance of audiovisual equipment
  • central PC management, MS Select, anti-virus security
  • user support


  • administration and maintenance of Linux servers, virtualization platform, faculty storage array
  • administration and maintenance of the faculty data network
  • user support


  • O365 deployment and user support


  • consulting and support for MS Windows, MS Office, MS Office 365, AV programs and user applications
  • maintenance of audiovisual equipment
  • user support
  • faculty fixed telephone network administrator

Mgr. Marie Sedláková

E-learning specialist



  • administration of the publication of FF MU journals included in the FF MU Editorial Plan
  • administration and implementation of digitisation service contracts for CIT FF MU

Mgr. Josef Schwarz

digital curator of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project

phone: +420 549 49 4720


  • digital curator in the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project at the Faculty of Arts MU
  • sets parameters for the Digitalia MUNI ARTS infrastructure


  • technical provision of digitisation of publications at the Faculty of Arts MU
  • administration and development of the faculty digital library
  • transfer of data from publication activities to international databases

Mgr. Alžbeta Strakošová




  • she is involved in the technical implementation of the LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project.


  • technical preparation of print of faculty publications - specialist journals and monographs included in the Writings of the Faculty of Arts MUNI editorial series


  • testing e-learning systems at the Faculty of Arts MUNI (ELF, Medial, TechSmith Relay, Urkund, etc.)

Mgr. et Mgr. Bc. Lucie Štěrbová, Ph.D.

coordinator of the scholarship programme

phone: +420 549 49 7405


  • coordination of the Scholarship Programme to Promote the Use of Technologies in Education team (within the e-learning and education technology support team at the Faculty of Arts MUNI)
  • consulting and implementation of thematic workshops related to the administration of the scholarship programme and the use of technologies in education
  • technical and methodological support for users of e-learning systems at the Faculty of Arts MUNI (ELF, Medial, TechSmith Relay, Urkund, etc.) and advanced AV devices
  • development and maintenance of documentation and instructions for users of e-learning systems and technical equipment at the Faculty of Arts MUNI
  • training users of e-learning systems and technical equipment of the faculty classrooms


  • coordination and management of projects under CIT FF MU

Long-term absence

Mgr. Hana Kubelková

 Inactive employment status


  • LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ project coordination and administration at the Faculty of Arts MUNI
  • administration and implementation of contracts for CIT FF MU digitisation services 

External personnel

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