Centre for Information Technologies
Services for students

  • What I must remember to do when starting my studies

    • read the following points carefully before continuing on to read the rest of the information in the whole section, as needed
    • change the primary password for the IS MU
    • change or set up a secondary password
    • learn the rules for using the network (take them seriously: failure to follow them leads to serious sanctions!)
    • get a photo taken for the IS MU
    • specify your personal details in the IS MU and get confident using the IS MU
    • choose a suitable nickname for mail in mail.muni.cz
    • try accessing the faculty’s computer room (FA Central Library) and the University Computer Centre
    • try connecting a laptop
    • learn how to use the library catalogues and electronic information sources offered at MU
    • if you’re connecting to the faculty (university) network from a private laptop, make sure it’s regularly updated (operation system, antivirus/antimalware, applications), so that neither you nor others are endangered
  • Where to go if I have a problem with IT

    The FA offers its students several services in connection with IT. If none of the steps described below helps, it’s always possible to meet us in person. We’re based on the 3rd floor of the B1 building at Arna Nováka 1.


  • How to manage the IS MU

    No MU student can survive without using the IS – Information System: it’s where you’ll find most of the important information related to studies, get grades, discover exam details, register for courses, and much more. However, even though people say “the IS isn’t complicated, it’s just very big” you can still come across problems that may be hard to solve. If this happens, you can consult the help section or contact an IS technician:

    Password for the IS MU

    During enrolment you received a slip containing the primary password to access Personal Administration in the IS MU, with it also a so-called secondary password, which allows access to other services, e.g. to computers in study rooms/libraries and to the faculty e-learning system. Both passwords in the IS MU should be changed as soon as possible, and should not be shared with anybody.
    The rights administrator for the FA, who can assign you a password to the IS MU, is Ing. Zdeněk Kubík.

    Change the password for the IS MU

    Have you forgotten your password?

    You can have a new password generated by our technicians. Details on how to proceed in such a case can be found in the description of the service in the following link:

    More about the primary and secondary password

    IS technician

    At the FA, there is an IS technician. Their main responsibility is IS MU support for the administration and teachers. That being said, you too can contact them about your problems with the IS MU. First, however, try to solve the problem using the help section, or seek advice from colleagues.


  • Where I pick up my e-mails?

    At FA MU you’ll mainly find the following e-mail boxes:

    Mailbox mail.muni.cz

    A “mandatory” address in the form of UČO@mail.muni.cz is automatically set up for each student and MU employee. This address will also be found by anyone who searches for you via the IS MU (UČO is the personal university identification number which you received and which you should remember). This mailbox is the official means of communication within MU, so we recommend reading it regularly, so that you don’t miss anything important.

    Instead of the UČO, a nickname can also be used in the university e-mail address. You can set it here (you’ll be asked for the password to the IS MU).

    Have you forgotten your password?

    If you’ve forgotten your password, you can change it. If you no longer have access to the account, you need to contact your CIT administrator.

    More about the service More about renewing access

    Mailbox muni.cz

    University mailbox in Office 365 – we recommend you set up and use this mailbox as your primary one, because you’ll be actively using the services and tools of Office 365 (“O365” for short) during your studies.

    The mailbox in O365 is similarly set up for you automatically, the address takes the basic form UIN@muni.cz. By default, this mailbox is considered secondary, but you can change the priority settings of the mailboxes from your position as user.

    The mailbox in O365 has a capacity of 100 GB and the basic tool for accessing it is Outlook – on a PC, your mobile, or on the web. Mail is stored on Microsoft servers in the EU on the basis of an agreement between MU and Microsoft.

    Recommendation: Redirect mail from the mailbox mail.muni.cz to the mailbox muni.cz – you’ll have all your university mail in one place, conveniently accessible from any device. For details about settings, click on the button below.


    In justified cases, students of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University may request the setting up of a mailbox @phil.muni.cz, similarly to faculty staff.

    Identifiability: Be aware of the fact that for official communication with the faculty (with the Dean’s Office, and at the discretion of departments and teachers when communicating with them ), it’s necessary to use an identifiable address (mail.muni.cz or muni.cz); from other addresses anybody can communicate in your name.

    More about e-mail services at MU


  • Principles of cybersecurity

    The virtual environment is full of pitfalls in the form of computer viruses and hackers, who usually want to steal personal data or get money from you. Because of this, it’s important to have at least basic knowledge in the area of cybersecurity, which you can gain for example in the online course Cyber Compass, designed by experts from CSIRT-MU, and which is available for free. We strongly recommend taking this course so that you avoid all future dangers that you may come across during your studies. High risks occur even during normal, routine activities such as reading e-mails.

    Go to Cyber Compass

  • E-learning at the FA

    E-learning, or electronic teaching support, is used in various departments. In some courses it’s used to share study materials, submit assignments, or complete tests. Furthermore, there are courses at the faculty that are fully conducted in electronic form. At FA MU we primarily use two systems:

    Faculty system ELF

    This system was developed earlier. It is based on the internationally extended Moodle system, and the MU single sign-on (primary password to the IS MU) is used to access it.

    Go to ELF

    University system LMS IS

    This is the official MU system, developed more recently as an integral part of the IS MU. You can access individual e-learning activities by clicking on Student in the section Teaching.

    In charge of the ELF system is the CIT E-learning Office, which provides, among other things, technical support for this system and other services.

    More about the E-learning Office

  • What faculty and university websites exist

    For you to stay well-oriented, you should know which websites are important. These are the websites of the university, faculty, and the departments and seminars where you study.

    CAUTION: For more details about your fields of study (i.e. information about state exams, news from departments, etc.), it’s better to follow the websites of the particular department, whereas more general information about events at the faculty can be found on the faculty website.

    The administration of websites in the Umbraco system is provided by the Institute of Computer Science MU. Technical support and potential trainings in working with this system are provided by the CIT.

    Details about IT at the university can be found at it.muni.cz.

  • More about access to computers and the network

    FA MU students can use computers in the FA MU Central Library free of charge. To log in to a computer, it’s necessary to enter your UČO and the secondary password.

    Central Library FA MU: is equipped with 73 computers. Most of them provide full access to the Internet, 4 of them are reserved for browsing the library catalogue.

    University Computer Centre: the building at number 2 Komenského Square (over 100 computers, non-stop).

    More about PC study rooms

    More possibilities to access computers:

    • at some departments you’ll find computers in study rooms, etc.,
    • there’s also the possibility to connect your own computer in the students’ dormitories,
    • additionally, you can connect your own laptop to the university network – see the next section.
  • How to connect my own laptop

    Wireless network EDUROAM

    Eduroam is a joint project of European universities that “exchange” registration services. Thus a student or employee of any university can connect to a wireless network at any other university (but also, for example, to libraries; see the Moravian Library in Brno) without having to take any administrative or technical steps.

    Wireless network MUNI

    We recommend using the Eduroam progressive solution as a priority (see above).

    The MUNI network is only intended for connection in case Eduroam fails. Once connected, you’ll be asked to enter your UČO and secondary password. After some time, however, the computer will disconnect from this network.

    More about connecting to the wireless network

  • How and when to use the VPN

    The virtual network of Masaryk University makes it possible to “recognize” any computer of an authorized person (laptop, home PC) as a part of the MU network. This is mainly useful when connecting a home computer.

    What do I get by connecting via the VPN?

    • access to information sources to which MU has subscribed (databases of texts, scholarly articles, etc.)
    • possibility to connect disks
    • proper functioning of some applications and services limited to MU or FA MU
    • increased security for your network traffic

    You must first install the VPN on your computer. For subsequent use, you can start it by simply double-clicking on the OpenVPN icon, which will appear in the bottom right corner of the Windows taskbar after installing the programme. Right-click on the icon, select “Connect”, and enter your UIN and secondary password. The computer is then fully connected as a computer of the MU network. It can be disconnected again via the icon on the taskbar.

    More about the VPN + instructions for getting connected

  • Updates to the OS and applications

    It’s necessary to regularly check and perform updates on your own computers to remove security loopholes and other bugs in the operating systems and applications you use.

    For Microsoft products it’s best to use the “Windows Update” tool. Third-party applications often use similar systems to carry out checks and install updates. If there are any problems or concerns, contact the CIT FA.

    For faculty computers, these settings are carried out by their administrators and the CIT FA.

    More about software in FA lecture rooms

  • Where can I print, scan, and copy?

    Pages for printing are sent to a common print queue, from where you can print them out using any public printer by attaching your ISIC card. Payment via this card is deducted from the SUPO account, on which you must have a certain amount deposited. Copying and scanning work in a similar way, but you don’t pay anything for scanning.

    Clear instructions for printing, copying and scanning are placed beside individual printers.

    More about printing at MU

  • Access to lecture rooms and buildings

    Access to lecture rooms is restricted by an access system. Access is verified by attaching an ISIC, ITIC, or employee card to the sensor. In some buildings, keys to lecture rooms are borrowed at the reception (especially for employees).

    Access to team study rooms is also secured using ISIC/ITIC cards.

    More about access

  • Other CIT services

    The number of services related to information technology is constantly increasing, and rapid changes are taking place. So we welcome it when users notify us that instructions are no longer up-to-date or correct, and when you share with us information about your needs.
    Other services include, for example:

      • Digital Library of FA MU – a project to make publications published at FA MU accessible to students, employees, and also to the general public.
      • Humanitní vědy dokořán is a platform that provides free online courses in the field of the humanities and social sciences. They can be taken by MU students, upper secondary school students, and the public.
      • Recording studio – Videostudio CIT FA MU runs a studio designed for audio and video recording. The studio is equipped with modern recording technology and software for the professional processing of various materials.

        The studio is available to students exclusively for study or research projects being pursued at Masaryk University. If you need to use the studio, it’s necessary for the teacher or other faculty employee involved in the project to apply for it.

        For more about the studio’s conditions of use, see here. To reserve the studio and/or if you have any questions, please contact the CIT FA Videostudio employees.

  • Rules and comments


    The use of information technology and operations on the network are governed by directives on the use of information technology, approved by the Rector of MU. Documents relating to these directives can be found in the documents section.

    View the directives on the use of IT

    For IT at FA MU, the Vice-Dean for IT is responsible; at the MU level, the Vice-Rector for IT is their superior.


    We gladly receive feedback on any shortcomings, and are happy to hear suggestions for further improvements to our services, preferably via this form.

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