FSS E-mail Accounts and Mail

FSS Employees and students can request to create a mailbox in the domain fss.muni.cz. The mailbox usually has the form surname@fss.muni.cz.

Getting the Mailbox

To create a mailbox @fss.muni.cz fill in the request form for setting up the mailbox. We will create a mailbox for you, and we will set up its connection with the University Office 365. We will also help you to set up an e-mail client for receiving and sending mail.  

Aliases can be set up for mailboxes - alternative virtual addresses that do not store mail but forward it to an existing physical mailbox. In the request for an alias or business card address, specify the alias name and the date by which it should be active. We will create mailing lists upon agreement.

Group mailboxes
If you need more than one e-mail address, or you want more than one person to access the same mailbox, then ask to create a group in Office 365.

Configuration of an E-mail Clients

More technically skilled users can import existing university mailboxes into e-mail clients (such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird).


Incoming Mail

User Name: UČO@muni.cz (it redirect you to single sign-on, where you only enter your UČO)
Password: primary password

Third-party applications that use a Microsoft Office account (e.g., Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Android Gmail ...)
User Name: UČO@muni.cz
Password: Microsoft Office 365 - leave blank and wait for redirection to single sign-on

Outgoing Mail

User Name: UČO@muni.cz (it redirect you to single sign-on, where you only enter your UČO)
Password: primary password

Third-party applications that use a Microsoft Office account (e.g., Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Android Gmail ...)
User Name: UČO@muni.cz
Password: Microsoft Office 365 - leave blank and wait for redirection to single sign-on


To receive Google Mail in Outlook, you need to use the "G-Suite for Outlook" utility. Contact CIKT FSS for help with setting it up.

To receive Google Mail in other clients, you must first enable this option - see How to read Gmail messages on other email clients using POP and Read Gmail messages in other email clients using IMAP.

Incoming Mail

User Name: name@apps.fss.muni.cz
Password: assigned password

IMAP Protocol
it loads messages into the cache

Server: imap.gmail.com
Port: 993
Security: SSL (OAuth2)

POP3 Protocol
it downloads entire messages offline

Server: pop.gmail.com 
Port: 995 
Security: SSL

Outgoing Mail

SMTP Protocol
Server: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 587 (STARTTLS), 465 (SSL)
User Name: name@apps.fss.muni.cz
Password: assigned password

SMTP protocol - university server
Server: smtp.muni.cz
Port: 587
Username: UČO@IS.MUNI.CZ (in capital letters)
Password: secondary password

Eligibility and Requirements

E-mail can only be created by FSS employees and students. Since it is planned to link e-mail with Office 365, each candidate can only have one mailbox in the domain fss.muni.cz.

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