MUNI Exam Mode at PC Rooms

Exam modes are not uniform within MU and each faculty handles the service on its own. The service allows on a supported PC within a few minutes switching to a special mode, which teachers use to test students. This setting minimizes cheating.

Exam modes administered by ICS can be used in all PC study rooms except the Faculty of Law and classroom A9-316  at UKB. The provision of exam modes in other classrooms and lecture halls varies from faculty to faculty. For more information, select your faculty. For support at other sites, contact the appropriate IT center.

Which Exam Accounts are Available? 


After setting the mode, the computer logs in with a special account and a ROPOT from IS MU. This is the only way to use the computer in this mode. Students do not have access to the Internet, their own data or computer applications.

Exam Mode

In this mode, the computers are disconnected from the network. Students also do not have access to their own data but have all the computer software available.

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