If an old device works, it is not necessarily safe
Sometimes it can seem that any (even old) device that is functional is suitable for the job. However, this assumption is often wrong.
Most of the classrooms in Buildings A, B1 and B2 will be revitalized next year. In CIT, we are currently working on an audiovisual technology (AVT) refurbishment project. In the fall semester of 2023, we will be testing the new technology and furniture in classrooms B2.22 and B2.23 so that we can fine-tune the AVT project based on feedback from instructors and students before implementation. The main change is better technical support for teaching in which students are connected in real time via video conferencing to the classroom - this scenario is often referred to as hybrid teaching.
Main modified items:
If you plan to teach hybrid (at least partially) in the Fall 2023 semester, and if you are willing to provide guided feedback during and after the class, please sign up in the form: https://forms.office.com/e/bcjJYnqRQz by April 20, 2023.
We will contact you after applications close to finalize the classroom booking process. We will also train you prior to the actual class and be available as technical support.
We have the opportunity to reward you financially for your cooperation in classroom testing.
If you have any questions, please contact Marie Sedláková
We look forward to seeing you, yours CIT FF