Closed Libraries Won't Stop You
This service is no longer provided. The content of the webpage is not current.
During quarantine, study rooms and libraries, faculties and other university buildings are closed for students and employees. However, if you can't go to the library, the library can move to your home.
You can use electronic information resources, e-prezenčka, open library collections of the National Library of the Czech Republic and other possibilities for online access to information provided by (not only) our university. What is at your disposal?
MUNI Electronic Information Resources
MUNI Electronic Information Resources is an online database of scientific articles and other materials (journals, conference proceedings, e-books, encyclopaedias, etc.), which you can access for free at the university.
However, they are accessible only from the university network. How to connect to it? Thanks to VPN, you can remotely access the network from anywhere in the world. All you need to do is enter UČO and the secondary password. Please contact for assistance with non-functional remote access.
Discovery Search Engine
Use the service for efficient searching (by one query from one place) in all electronic resources, MUNI library catalog, diploma thesis e-archive and other professional information resources.
For the search results, you can use the "Fulltext Finder" link to find out whether there is available electronic text for MUNI. Anyone can use the service to search, for full use (e.g. to access the full e-text available at the university) you need to authenticate yourself as a university user with your UČO and secondary password (the “Login” link is located in the top bar of the screen).
E-prezenčka: Study Literature of MUNI Online
Current information
In connection with the end of the emergency state on 18 May 2020, the remote access to the e-loans will be closed. From this time, a partial and gradual opening of the MUNI libraries is being prepared.
University libraries provide scanned purchased study literature for on-screen study (without the possibility of downloading and further dissemination) - an electronic analogy of an on-site loan, i.e. e-prezenčka.
Currently it contains about 13 000 study literature titles from MUNI libraries. Remote access to the e-prezenčka is possible through the MUNI library catalog, to which it is necessary to connect. Firstly, you need to connect to the university network via VPN.
Library Collection of the National Library of the Czech Republic Online
From 17 March 2020, the National Library of the Czech Republic, in agreement with the collective rights manager DILIA, will make available up to 206 000 monographs and periodicals.
The library collection will be opened to students and educators of public and private universities through the Kramerius application.
This includes works currently protected by copyright law. You will not be able to download or print books. Access is for online learning only.
Since 18 March 2020 Grada publishing has made Bookport available for MUNI free of charge. It offers thousands of professional and fiction e-books from dozens of Czech publishers. More information and access instructions can be found on the EIZ Portal.
National Digital Library DNNT (Works not available on the market)
Following the terminated access to the National Digital Library for University Students (Kramerius-VŠ), the National Library of the Czech Republic allowed universities (after signing the contract) access to the DNNT National Digital Library (Works not available on the market). Login is via eduID.
Full texts of documents (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.) published in the Czech Republic until 1989 are made available here. These documents are still protected by copyright law (i.e. 70 years have not passed since the death of their authors yet) and are not available on the market. After clicking on the Browse the library button, choose Díla nedostupná na trhu in the Accessibility side menu.
The NDK-DNNT application also contains full texts of documents (books, magazines, newspapers, etc.), which are free from copyright (no longer protected by copyright). In NDK-DNNT, these works are designed as public. If you are interested in viewing non-copyrighted works, click Public in the Accessibility side menu.
More detailed information about NDK-DNNT can be found on the website of the National Library of the Czech Republic.
Free e-Textbooks by Elsevier
Elsevier made available all its textbooks free of charge on the Science Direct platform for 60 days (until May 24, 2020). These are almost 260 monographs in the fields of science, computer science, medicine and psychology published over the past 20 years. The EIZ-MU Portal contains a list of textbooks and access information.
Textbooks for MUNI Students by Cambridge University (extended until June 30, 2020)
By June 30, 2020, Cambridge University Press made available for MUNI all of its textbooks (currently 775 titles), as well as the Cambridge Companions (an overview of writers, artists and a variety of topics from leading domain experts), Histories (350 volumes of history) and Elements collections (review texts on research in various fields from science to art). Lists of books and access data can be found on the EIZ-MU Portal.
33 Thousand e-Books by Oxford University (extended until June 30, 2020)
- Oxford Scholarship Online + University Press Scholarship Online
- Oxford Clinical Psychology
- Oxford Medicine Online
- Oxford Reference
More information, lists of books and access data can be found on the EIZ-MU Portal.
Large e-Books Collection by JSTOR
Until June 30, 2020, JSTOR and its collaborating publishers have provided free access to the JSTOR-ebooks collection to support student self-study. The collection includes over 37,000 books on humanities, social and natural sciences from over 60 academic publishers.
IEEE Online Courses for Students of Informatics
IEEE has provided free access to 500 online computing and engineering courses for MUNI. An overview of all courses and other information is available on the EIZ-MU Portal.
125 Thousand e-Books by Taylor & Francis (extended until June 30, 2020)
By June 30, 2020, MUNI users have gained free access to an extensive collection of 125,000 e-books from the world's leading publisher of scientific and professional literature, Taylor & Francis. The collection contains books from all fields of humanities, social and natural sciences, technology and medicine. More information and access data can be found on the EIZ Portal.
Textbooks by Springer Nature
To support the self-study and education of university students during the coronavirus epidemic, Springer Nature has provided free access to over 500 key textbooks on SpringerLink until at least the end of July. More information can be found on the EIZ-MU Portal.
E-Books by De Gruyter and Other Prestigious Academic Publishers
To support student self-study, De Gryuter, the leading academic publishing house, has opened for MUNI an extensive collection of more than 75,000 e-books from all fields not only by De Gryuter but also nearly 40 prestigious academic publishing houses (Harvard Univ Press, Cornel Univ Press, Princeton Univ Press, New York Univ Press, Yale Univ Press, Columbia Univ Press and others). More information on the EIZ-MU Portal.
The News from MUNI Libraries
Currently, all university libraries are physically inaccessible to users. Some of them offer remote services to users, and in restricted mode, most libraries allow the necessary return and lending of literature. More detailed information is available on the library website. Here are some interesting facts:
Extended Loan Period
All books borrowed before quarantine have been automatically extended until April 15, 2020. In case of a prolonged continuation of the quarantine, the deadline for returning books will be extended again. You can check the specific date by logging in at
Individual Remote Consultations
Most MUNI libraries offer their users the possibility of remote consultations via e-mail (help with finding the necessary literature, using EIZ, etc.).
Service for Academics Present at Workplace
Although the libraries are closed, most of them have a service (usually in the morning) that provides essential (necessary) service to the academics in the workplace in an agreed safe manner.
Scanning Books on Demand
Many faculty libraries now offer their users the service of scanning books (especially study literature) and their subsequent remote access via e-prezenčka - see the example at ESF or KUK. For more information or contact for queries, visit the MUNI libraries websites.
The Short News
- The Municipal Library of Prague offers registration free and free of charge e-books (more than 1800 titles of Czech and world classics of prose, drama and poetry).
- #Librariesagainstvirus: In response to the demand for remote electronic resources, the Moravian Library launched a web-based guide #Librariesagainstvirus ( to make it easier to find and select information.
Other Useful Links
- Detailed information about MUNI libraries and Munipress publishing can be found in the IT catalogue
- Munispace Reading Room Online
- Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts
- Digital Library of the Faculty of Law
- Elportál MUNI
- Teiresias – online access to the digital library collection for registered users with specific needs
- Czech Digital Mathematics Library

Remote Access to Your University PC Profile
We also try to make available for you the files on the profile you are connecting to in study rooms, libraries and selected lecture rooms on computers. We ask for indulgence and information at in case you have some troubles.
To access profile data, you need to be connected to the university network. VPN connection will help you with this.
How to Access Your Files on the Profile? (Windows)
2. In the Folder field, copy \\\profiles\UCO (type your UČO), click Connect using a different login data, and click Finish.
3. Enter your login data UCN\uco (your UČO) and secondary password.
In some cases, you may also need to click More options and choose Use a different account.