Centrum informačních technologií FF
Kancelář e-learningu
How to fill in the final report
Editor of accepted projects
In INET in the “Research and Development” section click on “ISEP - project management information system” and in the “Project database” subsection click on “Accepted projects editor”.
Or use the link button below:
My projects
In the window for editing accepted projects, click on “My projects”. Choose your project and click on its ID.
Editing the final report
To access the final report of the project, click on the second tab “Stipendijní program na podporu využití technologií ve výuce – závěrečná zpráva” (Scholarship Programme to Promote the Use of Technologies in Education - Final Report).
If you want to complete your final report, simply click the “Edit” button below the tabs.
The report includes a few questions, which you will answer by selecting one of the list of answers. In the case of certain responses, a text box displays to provide additional feedback. It is not necessary to complete the whole final report at once. You can answer just some of the questions and finish the rest later. (However, INET does not allow you to save the report without answering all mandatory questions. To save, you have to select one of the options for all mandatory items or type at least a few characters as a temporary answer - you can change any of these answers when you come back later.)