Sign Up for an Online Seminar to Learn About the Latest Microsoft 365 Features

Do you want to know the news about Microsoft 365 tools used at the university? What changes and improvements await us in 2024? We have prepared a webinar for you, where we will not only summarize all the current information, but also look at tips on how to work (together) more securely and efficiently in Microsoft 365.

29 Jan 2024

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Zajímá vás, jak se změnily kapacity v uložišti OneDrive a kam můžete uložit přebytečná data? Jak je to s dostupností nástrojů umělé inteligence od Microsoftu na univerzitě? A na jaké nové aplikace se můžete v průběhu roku těšit? To vše se dozvíte na webináři pořádaném odborníky z týmu Ústavu výpočetní techniky spravujícího technologie Microsoft 365 na Masarykově univerzitě, který se koná ve středu 14. února od 13 do 15 hodin.

Are you wondering how the capacities in OneDrive storage have changed and where you can store excess data? What about the availability of Microsoft AI tools in the university? And what new applications can you look forward to during the year? You will learn all this at a webinar organized by experts from the team of the Institute of Computer Science managing Microsoft 365 technologies at Masaryk University, which takes place on Wednesday, February 14, from 1 to 3 p.m.

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