Searching for Books, Magazines, and Articles

Many services are available to search for scientific publications, books, magazines, and articles. How to choose the right one will tell you the following list of search services in both print and online (we recommend Discovery as the first choice for MU users).

Service Name What to Look for The Number of Records
Discovery Scientific publications in digital form 
(magazines, collections and other scientific electronic resources) 
and physical publications from MU libraries
33+ million
Library Catalogue Publications physically available at MU libraries 
(books, periodicals, articles) 
and the possibility of ordering / extending books, a list of borrowings, etc.
1.5+ million
Union Catalogue of the CR Records from all libraries in the Czech Republic 
(books, periodicals, articles, electronic resources ...) 

9+ million
Theses Final thesis 
(Bachelor, Master, Dissertation)
260+ thous.
Archive of Final Theses at MU Final theses MU 
(Bachelor, Master, Dissertation)
200 thous.
List of Archives of Final Theses (VŠKP) Final thesis in the Czech Republic 
(Bachelor, Master, Dissertation)
MU Reading Room  Publications published by MU Publishing House 
(specialized monographs, proceedings, textbooks or magazines)

Searching for Scientific Publications (Discovery)

You can find everything about searching for scientific publications on the Discovery websites .

Searching for Books and Magazines in Czech Republic

In addition to searching in the systems of Masaryk University you can also use the so-called Union Catalogue of the Czech Republic, which contains records from many libraries in the Czech Republic. Searched documents from non-university libraries can be obtained via interlibrary loan.

Searching in MU Libraries

To obtain information about books, periodicals, articles and other types of literature available in MU libraries, Library Catalogue is used. In Aleph it is possible to search mainly printed documents, which are physically stored in MU libraries.

What does the Library Catalogue allow?

Usual User (guest) Logged User


  • searching (without option to order or to book)
  • searching in books, periodicals, articles ...
  • sending an order for requested documents (for example, from a warehouse)
  • displaying the status of user's borrowings and financial transactions with the library
  • extending the borrowing period of user's borrowings
  • reservation of documents borrowed by other readers

Final Theses at MU

Final theses at MU (diplomas, dissertations, etc.) exist in two forms and they are available in two different ways.

Using the service, you can search all the MU final theses with one inquiry, in printed or electronic form.

To find the final theses of other universities in the Czech Republic in electronic form, you can use the list of Archives of e-VŠKP or co-operative system, which is developed and operated by Masaryk University for a consortium of more than forty schools and universities (this system serves, among other things, to detect plagiarism).

Magazines and Books Published at MU

If you are interested in searching among publications published by the Munipress Publishing House, you can use the MU reading room. In the reading room you can find specialized monographs, collections, teaching texts or magazines published by Masaryk University Publishing House Munipress. You can search in the reading room by subject, author or faculty.

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