Electronic Information Sources

Among the electronic information sources (EIZ) you can find a number of scientific journals, bibliographies, encyclopaedias, information databases, and other materials to which the university has access. These are mainly the licensed resources to which MU has paid the access fee. An overview of available EIZ, detailed help and instructions can be found at the Portal EIZ.

Discovery.muni Search

To search massively in MU information sources, you can use the Discovery tool.

  • Rapid searching of electronic information sources both worldwide and within MU (including Library Catalogue MU library system and graduate theses and dissertations)
  • The service includes tools that allow you to find out the results' fulltext availability for users from MU
  • A list of available e-journals and e-books is available
  • The service can export quotations to different citation formats and managers

Remote Access to the EIZ

EIZs only work on the MU network, but they can be reached via remote access (VPN) or other connection methods.

Access to special sources (Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medicine etc.)

Remote access works only for universally available sources. Some faculties (especially the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Medicine) make their sources available only from the faculty computers. If you need remote access to the special faculty sources, you can try OpenVPN for selected faculties.

MU employees who access the sources from computers at the Brno University Hospital (FNB) have to set up the remote access from FNB. Employees accessing the sources from computers at St. Anne's University Hospital are recommended to access via EZproxy.

Eligibility and Requirements

Electronic Information Sources (EIZ) for Science, Research and Teaching at MU are only available to employees and students of Masaryk University and solely for their academic needs.

Under the applicable license agreements, it is forbidden to use resources otherwise than just for the user's own personal immediate study and research needs. Mass downloading of data from individual sources clearly exceeding the actual personal research need is considered a violation of the license terms and may lead to blocking of access to the source for the entire university!

Selected Information Sources

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