SCI University Web and Webdesign Services

Are Kotlářská

We provide support for web presentations at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, namely technical support, consultations and training for websites in the Umbraco university system.

Technical support for web presentations

We provide technical support only for web presentations created in the Umbraco university content management system. The service includes:

  • support in case of technical problems with a website
  • collection of requests for creation of new websites and their subsequent handover to the Computer Technology Department
  • in case of more extensive technical problems, personal consultation can be arranged
  • technical support for migration from original web servers to the Umbraco university system
  • The OICT will provide the closest possible date for the Umbraco content management system training which is organised by the Computer Technology Department

Website consultation

  • Consultation of visual style of websites is provided by the PR Department of SCI.
  • Consultation is possible via the following e-mail address:

Web creation process

  1. Use the form to send us a request for creation of a website.
  2. OICT SCI will forward the request for creation of a website in a test form to the Computer Technology Department; the website will not be accessible to the public.
  3. You create the website.
  4. Once done, you will report that your website is ready to run. You will send the website and the URL address that you want to use for your website.
  5. Once approved, OICT SCI will send a request to the Computer Technology Department to set up the URL address and publish the website for web search engines (to speed up the process, the URL address can be sent at the beginning with the request to create a website).
  6. The website is now public, you can promote it.
  7. Keep your website updated, so that the information does not become obsolete.

Conditions for provision of services

  • You can only request a website that is related to the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University or its departments.
  • The SCI has specific rules for using URL addresses:
    • The department always uses a URL address in the following form:
    • Project websites use the name
    • Projects and conferences organised by multiple departments use the following address:
    • Events organised centrally by the Faculty (i.e. not by a specific department) use the address
    • Exceptions are to be consulted with the PR Department of the SCI (e.g. if it is a project that concerns several departments).
  • Websites of academic departments have a pre-set template that requires certain criteria to be met. Their websites should contain basic information, such as phone number, e-mail address and department address.
  • Technical support is only provided for websites that are under the auspices of the Faculty of Science or some of its departments or institutes.

The service is provided and operated by the Office for Information and Communication Technologies of the Faculty of Science (OICT SCI).

Bohunice Campus Site

We provide support for web presentations at the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, namely technical support, consultations and training for websites in the Umbraco university system.

Technical support for web presentations

We provide technical support only for web presentations created in the Umbraco university content management system. The service includes:

  • support in case of technical problems with a website
  • collection of requests for creation of new websites and their subsequent handover to the Computer Technology Department
  • in case of more extensive technical problems, personal consultation can be arranged
  • technical support for migration from original web servers to the Umbraco university system
  • The OICT will provide the closest possible date for the Umbraco content management system training which is organised by the Computer Technology Department

Website consultation

  • Consultation of visual style of websites is provided by the PR Department of SCI.
  • Consultation is possible via the following e-mail address:

Web creation process

  1. Use the form to send us a request for creation of a website.
  2. OICT SCI will forward the request for creation of a website in a test form to the Computer Technology Department; the website will not be accessible to the public.
  3. You create the website.
  4. Once done, you will report that your website is ready to run. You will send the website and the URL address that you want to use for your website.
  5. Once approved, OICT SCI will send a request to the Computer Technology Department to set up the URL address and publish the website for web search engines (to speed up the process, the URL address can be sent at the beginning with the request to create a website).
  6. The website is now public, you can promote it.
  7. Keep your website updated, so that the information does not become obsolete.

Conditions for provision of services

  • You can only request a website that is related to the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University or its departments.
  • The SCI has specific rules for using URL addresses:
    • The department always uses a URL address in the following form:
    • Project websites use the name
    • Projects and conferences organised by multiple departments use the following address:
    • Events organised centrally by the Faculty (i.e. not by a specific department) use the address
    • Exceptions are to be consulted with the PR Department of the SCI (e.g. if it is a project that concerns several departments).
  • Websites of academic departments have a pre-set template that requires certain criteria to be met. Their websites should contain basic information, such as phone number, e-mail address and department address.
  • Technical support is only provided for websites that are under the auspices of the Faculty of Science or some of its departments or institutes.

The service is provided and operated by the Office for Information and Communication Technologies of the Faculty of Science (OICT SCI).

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