Server Certificates

Due to unexpected complications on the vendor side, it is necessary for all users to have their server, personal and robot certificates reissued as soon as possible if they have not done so recently. More information and answers to frequently asked questions can be found here (as of 26 November 2024 the page is only in Czech language, please use a translator tool if you need).

For Masaryk University servers it is possible to obtain GÉANT's Trusted Certificate Service (TCS) server certificates, formerly TERENA Certificate Service. TCS server certificates are designed for web and Internet services that communicate securely with the protocol and demonstrate server identity to users. The certificate is issued free of charge.

In June 2020, there was a transition to another server certificate provider. A list of changes related to the transition to a new provider is available here. zde.

Alternative Solution

For server certificates it is recommended to use alternative solutions such as Let's Encrypt, which are fully suitable for most applications.

Revocation/Cancellation of the Certificate

In case, the private key of your certificate gets into unauthorized hands, you must revoke the certificate.

Obtain a Server Certificate

It shows instruction how to proceed.

Revoke the Certificate

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