Disk Backup Solution CESNET

The same as disk backup solution MU, backup software is not part of this service that would provide the backup process itself. The Institute of Computer Science ensures only the availability of the agreed storage.

For this service data is stored outside of MU, so we strongly recommend encrypt sensitive data. An advantage is the reliability of the CESNET association, which associates, besides colleges also the Academy of Sciences. CESNET data repositories are part of the national e-infrastructure for science and research and they can store hundreds of terabytes.


Total Capacity It exceeds 22 000 TB.
Typical Use It is commonly used to back up data in volumes up to hundreds of terabytes.
The Frequency of Backup Depending on the user settings.
Data Retention Time Depending on the user settings. The data recovery time depends on their volume.
Software Used Depending on the user's choice.

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