
Callcentrum is available nonstop and it provides call relaying and information about telephone numbers for all university workplaces connected to the one telephone network. Besides the fact that this service replaces classical operators, it also provides some basic information about the university to the public.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can I Find Basic Information about the University?

You can find basic and up-to-date information about the university at If you are interested in university presentations, use the link

How to Get to a Specific MU Department?

This map can lead you to specific offices, auditoriums, or buildings when searching for one particular department.

Where Can I Find a Contact for a Specific Person?

You can find phone numbers for specific people working at MU on the university's website:

If you did not find the answer to your question in the frequently asked questions or elsewhere on the Masaryk University website, contact the Call Center at 549 49 1111.

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