Centre for Information and Communication Technologies

Centre for Information and Communication Technologies (CIKT ECON) ensures the maintenance of the computer network at the Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, which includes more than 600 computers and other devices. Our goal is to provide comprehensive support for education and research through modern information and communication technologies.

  • Computer Labs: We manage four specialized computer labs (VT105, VT202, VT204, VT314), primarily intended for teaching.
  • Laboratory for Economic Experiments: Our computer labs VT203 a VT206 are dedicated to specific research purposes.
  • Lecture Halls and Seminar Rooms: We are responsible for the technical management of computing and multimedia equipment in 11 lecture halls (P) and 13 seminar rooms (S).

Provided services

Orion terminal server

A terminal server is a computer that can be operated remotely after authentication as if you were sitting right at its monitor. For example, you can use the software installed on the remote computer, use the data stored on it or connect to other devices using it.

The Faculty of Economics and Administration operates its own Orion terminal server.

Study portals

ECON MUNI provides the following platforms to learners over and above the university information systems:

  • Study Online - used to view online and offline lecture recordings,
  • ESF Law - used to support the teaching of law courses at the Faculty,
  • LimeSurvey Web Questionnaires - an instance of the LimeSurvey system for creating and managing questionnaire surveys at ESF.

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