Practical use of AI in teaching and preparation
How to effectively create tests, worksheets, or syllabi using AI? Join us to explore the possibilities of using AI tools in education.
The activities take place within the framework of the NPO MUNI 3.2.1 SC A2 - Development in the field of distance learning, online learning and blended learning project with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic and are implemented by the Centre for Information Technology of the Faculty of Arts MU. Project registration number NPO_MUNI_MSMT-16606/2022.
With the support of the National Recovery Plan, we have prepared online courses available on the OpenMoodle platform.
This includes the Humanities Wide Open courses, which we have converted to the more modern system, and the How to make an e-learning course, which introduces some of the milestones and issues in e-learning courses and how to deal with them. In other words, the course is aimed at teachers who want to understand what e-learning can offer them.
If you would like to find out more about these courses or will be taking them directly, you can find them on our website (Czech only).