Upcoming workshops on O365 and VR
The activities take place within the framework of the NPO MUNI 3.2.1 SC A2 - Development in the field of distance learning, online learning and blended learning project with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic and are implemented by the Centre for Information Technology of the Faculty of Arts MU. Project registration number NPO_MUNI_MSMT-16606/2022.
As part of the project "Development of distance learning, online teaching and blended learning at FF MU", you can attend a series of thematic workshops during the autumn semester, focusing on Microsoft Office 365, interactive whiteboards and virtual and augmented reality. An overview of all workshops and registration forms can be found in the list below:
Workshops on interactive technologies and Microsoft Office 365:
- 16.10.2023: Interactive whiteboard in a nutshell (login: https://muni.cz/go/3fb997)
- 23.10.2023: How to consult and organise your time in Microsoft Office 365 (login: https://muni.cz/go/a15023)
- 06.11.2023: How to take quizzes and assignments in Microsoft Office 365 (sign in: https://muni.cz/go/834d5e)
11.12.2023: AI in Microsoft Office 365 (login: https://muni.cz/go/904f8a)
Workshops on Microsoft Office 365 will be held hybridly in computer room B2.33.Workshop on interactive whiteboards will be held in seminar room C41.
Workshops on virtual and augmented reality:
- 09.10.2023
- 18.10.2023
- 06.11.2023
- 15.11.2023
- 04.12.2023
- 13.12.2023
The virtual and augmented reality workshops will be held in the Makerspace in cooperation with the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts. Registration forms and further details about the virtual and augmented reality workshops can be found on the Central Library website: https://knihovna.phil.muni.cz/aktualne/kalendar-akci