Learn how to work with the new O365 tools in the March workshops
In March, we have a series of online workshops on Microsoft 365 tools.
Are you interested in getting feedback from other teachers on your teaching and, at the same time, providing it to your colleagues based on the teaching observation? Join us for our first meeting to learn more about the process.
The activities take place within the framework of the NPO MUNI 3.2.1 SC A2 - Development in the field of distance learning, online learning and blended learning project with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Czech Republic and are implemented by the Centre for Information Technology of the Faculty of Arts MU. Project registration number NPO_MUNI_MSMT-16606/2022.
Note: This workshop will be taught in Czech only
Are you interested in getting feedback from peer teachers on your teaching and providing it to your colleagues based on a teaching observation?
Join us for our first meeting to learn more about the process.
Observation is helpful for evaluating the teaching process. Teachers often do not have enough opportunities to get feedback on their work so that they can reflect on the adjustment of the learning process for learners in a safe environment and also develop professionally. Feedback can support, motivate, and prevent falling into stereotypes.
October 24, 2022 at 16:00, C41 FF MU
The whole process of participation in observations and meetings is financially rewarded; if you are interested in precise information, you can contact sedlakova@phil.muni.cz
Accompaniment: PhDr. Miroslava Dvořáková from the Institute of Educational Sciences, FF MU
In March, we have a series of online workshops on Microsoft 365 tools.
Never worked with grades before? Do you have learner assistants helping you manage the course who are just getting to know the system? Feel free to come along!