MUNI Connection from Home (eduVPN)

Instructions: Manual eduVPN Configuration on Linux systems​​


First copy and save your configuration generated on the eduVPN portal to a new file. To generate the configuration, follow the linked instructions

Importing the configuration using GUI NetworkManager

In GNOME settings, open the Network Manager, select the Network panel and click on the + symbol in the VPN section.

Select the option to Import from file ….

Search and select the desired configuration file.

Check the parameters imported from the file and then click the Add button.

The VPN connection can then be activated or deactivated using the switch.

Importing the configuration using the nmcli tool

The configuration file can also be imported using the Network Manager's text interface – nmcli.

Importing the configuration file:
nmcli connection import type wireguard file muni-vpn.conf

Activating VPN connection:
nmcli connection up muni-vpn

Deactivating VPN connection:
nmcli connection down muni-vpn

Importing using the wg-quick tool

If your OS distribution does not have the Network Manager, it is possible to install the Wireguard program using this guide. The wg-quick tool should then be available.

The configuration file must first be copied to the /etc/wireguard directory:
sudo cp muni-vpn.conf /etc/wireguard/

The intefrace can then be configured:
sudo wg-quick up muni-vpn

Turning off the interface:
sudo wg-quick down muni-vpn


Importing the configuration using GUI NetworkManager

In GNOME settings, open the Network Manager, select the Network panel and click on the + symbol in the VPN section.

Select the option to Import from file ….

Search and select the desired configuration file. To generate the file, follow the linked instructions

Check the parameters imported from the file and then click the Add button.

The VPN connection can then be activated or deactivated using the switch.

Importing the configuration using the nmcli tool

The configuration file can also be imported using the Network Manager's text interface – nmcli.

Importing the configuration file:
nmcli connection import type wireguard file muni-vpn.conf

Activating VPN connection:
nmcli connection up muni-vpn

Deactivating VPN connection:
nmcli connection down muni-vpn

Please only use the VPN connection for as long as necessary.

Having trouble connecting?
If you can't connect, see the list of common problems. Also remember to set up your firewall correctly to allow VPN connections, i.e. UDP port 443 and TCP port 443.

Further information
Answers to other questions can be found on the FAQ page.

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