Seminar in memory of Peter Sagall (1926-2019)

The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics is organizing a seminar in memory of linguist Petr Sgall (1926-2019).

8 Dec 2021

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The Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics invites you to a seminar in memory of the linguist Petr Sgall. The seminar Language in its multifarious aspects, which will be held online in English, will focus on the work and memory of Peter Sagall as well as other topics in linguistics. There will be lectures such as:

  • Microsyntactic annotation of a syntactically tagged corpus
  • Dependency patterns in language understanding applications
  • Automatic recognition of nouns based on unambiguous endings
  • Rule-based and neural network morphological disambiguation of Czech

The full programme can be found on the Institute's website. The seminar will take place on 13 December, from 14:00 to 18:00.


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