Frequently Asked Questions
On 1 August 2024, the preferred method of VPN connection from home to the Masaryk University network will change. The new connection will be made through the eduVPN interface, which can be done simply via an app or a newly generated configuration file. Instructions on how to connect both ways can be found on the main eduVPN service page.
The VPN connection method you have been using will continue to work until 29 November 2024.
What will it do to my computer?
By establishing the VPN, the identity (and seemingly also the location) of the client machine changes, so some problems may occur. For example, if you download (or send) some data (by listening to an Internet radio, watching streamed videos, downloading files from FTP servers, etc.), the connection to the server you change data with is interrupted. Once the connection to the VPN server is established, the connection to the other server must be restored. The same happens after the VPN connection is ended.
Which login and password should I use?
The username you enter is your UČO (your personal number you use to log into the IS). Your nickname set in the IS will NOT work. The password is the secondary password, the one that is used, for example, in a PC room to log into the computer. If you do not have or know it, set it here.
How to set up the server for outgoing mail?
By connecting to a VPN, you become a part of the MU network, so we recommend that you use the following mail server settings:
name of the SMTP server | |
port | 587 - when using MSA (recommended for newer clients) 25 - when using TLS 465 - when using SSL |
use SSL encryption | yes, always (in Thunderbird: TLS) |
login | login-name-in-IS@IS.MUNI.CZ |
password | your secondary password |
Mail may also work via some other mail servers at the faculties. In this case, it depends on the settings of the individual servers.
How do I set up a firewall correctly?
The firewall must let the VPN connection through, i.e. the UDP port 1194.
Tunnel Only for Connection to the MU Network (Split Tunneling)
If you do not want to send all network traffic to the MU network, you can use so-called Split tunneling. Only traffic designated by MU will be tunneled.
Please note that the configuration for split tunneling must list all MU networks. This list may change over the years, so your configuration may become outdated and consequently some services will be unavailable. In that case, try using a full VPN and if accessing the service from that VPN works, update the split tunneling configuration by downloading a new version.
Instruction for Installation with the use of Split Tunneling
- If you have not done so, install OpenVPN.
- After installation, right-click on the OpenVPN icon and select the "Import configuration file". Then select the downloaded configuration file.
- Connect to the tunnel by right-clicking on the OpenVPN icon in the system tray, select the muni-main-split-windows and click on "Connect".
MacOS, iOS, Android
- Install OpenVPN Connect.
- Import the downloaded configuration file.
- Connect by selecting the imported profile.
- NetworkManager which is used in most distributions does not yet support this type of configuration.
- Use the command line connection with the downloaded configuration file.
- Or use the Pritunl graphics client with the downloaded configuration file.
What addresses are allocated to the devices connected to VPN MU?
When connected via VPN, IP addresses are assigned from the following network ranges:
IPv4: (primary VPN) (primary VPN) (macOS devices and mobile devices) (macOS devices and mobile devices) (employees only) (employees only) (employees and external - static addresses) (VPN over HTTPS) (Faculty of Science) (Faculty of Law)
2001:718:801:384::/112 (primary VPN)
2001:718:801:385::/112 (primary VPN)
2001:718:801:387::/112 (employees only)
2001:718:801:389::/112 (employees only)
2001:718:801:386::/112 (employees and external - static addresses)
You can verify your IP address e.g. at If it is within the above range, you are connected via MUNI VPN.