Upcoming shutdown of the Ouriginal anti-plagiarism tool
Turnitin, the company that runs the Ouriginal anti-plagiarism program (formerly known as Urkund), has decided to completely shut down the program in the near future.
Dear users,
From 25 September, the archive installations of ELF (ELF3, 20-21, 21-22 and 22-23) will be accessible only from the MU university network for security reasons. You will be able to connect from your workplace or you can use the VPN connection from home. In case of problems, please contact us via the form.
Thank you for your understanding.
Turnitin, the company that runs the Ouriginal anti-plagiarism program (formerly known as Urkund), has decided to completely shut down the program in the near future.
On 20 November 2024, the third annual conference E-learning in practice took place at the Faculty of Arts MU. The event was aimed at sharing and exchanging experiences in the field of e-learning and teaching with the use of technology.