Remote Form of Final State Examinations (FSE) at MUNI

The MU Crisis Board recommends holding traditional in-person examinations or other presence forms of teaching for the entire spring semester 2020 only in cases of absolute necessity. Even in situations where legal regulations allow examination or teaching in-person, but the examination or teaching can also be carried out remotely, the MU Crisis Board recommends choosing a distance solution for the entire spring semester, including the examination period.

In accordance with this recommendation, a set of practical suggestions and model scenarios for the implementation of the remote final state examination was created based on surveys at MUNI faculties, information from the Ministry of Education, solutions of other universities in CR, MUNI methodological guidelines, experiences from distance learning and experiences of experts from ICS and IS MU.

The Recommended Procedure of Activities for Remote FSE

The steps below are adapted for using MS Teams. If you use another application (such as Zoom), it is needed to edit the list of activities accordingly. For remote FSE, it is recommended to establish the roles of the so-called FSE Assistants and Helpers as soon as possible. They should be familiar with the use of MS Teams and trained in the entire process of FSE in this tool. A description of these roles is available below the table. 

As Soon As Possible Offices for Studies
FSE Helper  FSE Assistant FSE Board IT

A) Getting acquainted with the solution of outages
(How to proceed formally if the exam is interrupted

x x x x  

B) Methodical adjustment of questions
(Switching to open book examination)


C) Invitation to choose the method of FSE
(Student confirms the form of the exam - in-person/remote)

D) Creating a schedule x        
Preparation of the FSE (14 days in advance) Offices for Studies
FSE Helper  FSE Assistant FSE Board IT
E) Informing CIT about the examination schedule
(Provision of IT support on the day of FSE)
x       x
F) Staff training - working with technology         x
G) Creation of board teams in MS Teams     x   x
G1) Publishing of FSE
(publishing of the link for connecting to the exam room)
    x   x
H) Providing information and instructions to students
(Procedure and duties during the remote examination)
I) Checking contact details (phone) in IS
(see getting acquainted with the solution of outages)
Preparation of the FSE (1–2 days in advance) Offices for Studies
FSE Helper  FSE Assistant FSE Board IT
J) Reminder e-mail to students (and to board) x x x    
K) Checking if CIT is counting on FSE dates     x   x
L) Cheecking of IT (equipment and connection)         x
Procedure of the FSE/Thesis defense Offices for Studies
FSE Helper  FSE Assistant FSE Board IT
M) The first contact with the student - waiting room
Connection checking (and student - surroundings, applications)
M1) Realization of preparation*
(Student preparation before the exam)
N) Calling the student to the room - exam     x x  
O) Student identity verification     x    
P) Informing about the recording and its starting     x    
Q) Thesis defense/examination
(question draw/presentation sharing /…)
R) Turning off the recording and removing the student from a call     x x  
S) Download an audiovisual recording     x x  
After the FSE Offices for Studies
FSE Helper  FSE Assistant FSE Board IT
T) Saving the recording for 5 years in the IS MU     x x  

„x“ – the role is typically responsible for this activity
„x“ – the role can be responsible or involved in this activity
*For those tasks, second assistant is required (Scenario 1 with student's preparation).
Note: The links in the table are intended for the Scenario 1.

Download an Activity Table as .pdf Download an Activity Table as .xlsx

Participants Roles in Final State Examinations (FSE): 

  • FSE Assistant – is responsible for the technical and administrative requirements of the FSE.
    • Preparation of the FSE: she/he creates teams in MS Teams, adds members (board and students).
    • During the FSE: she/he calls the student from the "Waiting Room" to the "Board" videoconference, she/he establishes contact with the student when entering the videoconference, she/he verifies the student's identity, informs him about recording, turns on/off recording, at the end she/he removes the student from the videoconference.
    • After the FSE: she/he compiles protocols (reports) and records from the FSE.
  • FSE Helper – she/he is present in the "Waiting Room" (see below). She/he consults with the student the functionality of the connection (video, audio), he can check student's running applications (task manager) and the student's environment.
  • Board – is either present in the "Board" videoconference (scenario #1) or joins individual videoconferences on student name channels (scenario #2).
  • Thesis Supervisor/Reviewer
  • Student

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